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Record Types


The database is conceived as a census of Aristotelian Works related to the Renaissance interpretation of Aristotelian and pseudo-Aristotelian texts. This top-level record type in the database lists all metadata relevant to a specific work, such as Author, Title, Date, Genre, Type, original Dedicatee, Branch(es) of Philosophy, the related work(s) of Aristotle's corpus (Related to Aristotle's), and a brief Description. Most records include a basic Bibliography in author-date style. Full citations may be found in the three bibliographies listed in the menu. Each Aristotelian Work identifies a unique work, which may exist in various Manuscript Copies and Printed Editions. All Aristotelian Work records contain a unique reference number (Work ref:). Many metadata elements will only display if they are present in the record, otherwise they will be hidden. 


These record types lists all metadata relevant to a particular author, including Dates, Main Locations, Works, links to entries in the DBI (Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani) and Edit16 (for works printed in Italy), and brief Notes, which may include references to the bibliography.


These record types describe specific manuscript copies and printed editions. Whenever possible these records provide relevant links to online reference tools such as ISTC and Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke for incunabula and Edit16 for sixteenth-century editions. Given the large number of digitized early printed books currently available online, these records also refer to open-access digitized copies contained in  repositories such as  GoogleBooksBSB-MDZGallicaMuseo GalileoECHOArchimedes Project and others. Please note that while these links were initially active as of July 2013, they may no longer be up to date.

Manuscript Copy records contain a unique reference number (Manuscript ID). Descriptions of manuscript copies are divided into two sections.

The first section contains the following metadata elements: DateType (prose/verse), Author, Dedicatee, Visual Elements (yes/no), Genre, Related to Aristotle's, Branch of Philosophy, Shelfmark (including city and library reference), Foliation (the location in the ms where this particular text is found), whether or not the work has been Seen by the database's authors, and the related Aristotelian Work (Related Work).

The second section describes material aspects, textual elements, and paratextual details. It contains the following metadata elements: Physical Description of the ms, Internal Description of the text of the ms, a list of Paratextual Elements, a brief Bibliography, whether or not the ms contains Visual Elements (such as tables, schemata, and other types of visual representation), along with links to Digitized Copies and Online References

Printed Edition records also contain a unique reference number (Edition ID:), and are also divided into two sections. 

The first section contains the same metadata elements as Manuscript Copy records, with the exception of Shelfmark, Foliation, and Seen, which are substituted by information on the work's Printer, the Copy Seen and relevant Notes

The second section describes material aspects, textual elements, and paratextual details. It contains the following metadata elements: a description of the Title Page, Physical Description of the volume, an Internal Description of the text, a description of the Colophon, a list of Paratextual Elements, a brief Bibliography, and links to Digitized Copies and Online References