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Structure of the Database

Structure of the database

The Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy (VARI) Database has a data structure which is suitable for the description of an extremely heterogenous set of data, while following whenever possible common metadata conventions. As such, the database features  six record types: Aristotelian Work, Author, Dedicatee, Manuscript Copy, Printed Edition, and Printer. A brief description of what each record type contains is provided below. All metadata elements are indicated below and in the 'Record Types' section with Bold Type.

While this iteration of the database is not relational per se, you may click on any metadatum in grey with a dotted underline to perform an immediate search for all items with identical values (thus, clicking on Author: SEGNI Bernardo will list records of all types that contain "SEGNI Bernardo" in the 'Author' field; i.e. as the author of that specific work. Further information on the author can be obtained by locating and clicking on the relevant "Author" record in the search results).

All records feature information on the Original Record Author, the date Last Updated, and the author of the most recent update (Record Last Updated By). Each record also generates an MHRA-style-compliant citation for correct referencing.

Finally, four links are made available at the bottom of each record page under the "Related Resources" section. Clicking these links will open a new window and perform an immediate search related to the current record in Google Books, Google Scholar, JSTOR, and WorldCat.