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  • Branch of philosophy is exactly "—Biology"

The anonymous translation of Thomas Aquinas's commentary on Aristotle's On the Heavens and On generation and corruption is part of a wider project which includes vernacular translations of other Aristotelian commentaries by Thomas (On interpretation…

Vittorio Venturelli's translation of (and commentary on) Aristotle's Parva Naturalia follows the same author's version of Aristotle's Meteorology. The two works are in fact part of the same project addressed to the duke of Urbino Francesco Maria II…

The work is part of a larger section on bees which includes excerpts from a vernacular translation of Pliny's Natural History (Trattato delle pecchie secondo Plinio libro XI, ff. 153r-180v). The translation of Aristotle is based on the Latin version…

The anonymous Lezione del coito deals with the notion of coitus drawing not only from Aristotle, but from Galen and Hippocrates as well. The author refers to Aristotelian works such as On generation of animals, On the soul, Problems. The text is…

The translation is dedicated to Francesco Maria II della Rovere by the obscure Tito Corneo d'Urbino. The preface is dated 8 September 1617. The extant manuscript Vatican City, BAV, Urb. Lat. 1331 is a beautiful dedication copy with layout inspired by…

[...] ff. 236: [12 ff.], 446 pp., [1]. Text and printed marginalia in italics. 180×240 mm.

8°. †4 A-H8 I4. ff. 72: [4], 67, [1]. Text in roman; titles of paragraphs in italics. 100×150 mm.

Paper; ff. I, 60, [4], 54, [2], 29, [4]; mm. 100_153. Original binding in parchment; title on spine: 'ARIS-

Paper; ff. [2], 361; mm. 260_200. Beautiful copy (cf. mss. Urb. Lat. 1335, 1338).

Paper; ff. [1], 189, [3]; mm. 260_200. Beautiful copy (cf. mss. Urb. Lat. 1335, 1338).

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. I, [4], 188, [4], 1; mm. 200_282.A later hand adds a date to the last text included in the ms. (1510).

Paper; misc., comp.; ff. III, 79, II; mm. 190_270. Old binding in parchment. Watermark: cf. Briquet 13648 (a. 1570). General title at f. IIr: 'Trattati diversi'; the ms. has been part of the Ambrosiana collection since 1603 (Olgiati). One of the…

Paper; ff. [3 blank], [3], 374, [2 blank]; mm. 261_190. Beautiful dedication copy; the layout follows the typical mise en page of printed books.
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