Paper; ff. II, 501; mm. 266_200. Title on spine: 'Meteora d'Arist. del Venturelli'. Beautiful dedicatory copy; follows the layout of contemporary printed books.
Paper; misc.; ff. [6], 413, [1]; mm. 190_270. Title on spine: 'Raccolta / di vari / manoscritti / Tom. VII. / Copia'. The last text copied refers to 1593.
Parchment; miscellaneous; ff. [I], 4 [2-4 blank], 1-81, [5 blank]; mm. 145_220; written by the same hand. Layout's measures variable: 1. mm. 82_150, 27 lines; 2. mm. 80_145, 26 lines; 3. mm. 82_155, 28 lines. Title on spine: 'tratt
Paper; misc., comp. (4 units); ff. [II], 53. Relevant unit (17r-30v): mm. 214_165. In this ms. the commentary surrounds the text, whereas in the two other mss. it follows the text.
Paper; ff. [I] + [7 n.n.] + 520 [i.e. 272 pp. + 338 ff.] + [I]; mm. 205_283. Autograph copy with corrections and additions. Title on spine: 'Trattato / dei Governi / di Aristotile / tradotto dal / Greco in Fior(enti)no / da Bernardo Segni'.